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Forty "W"ritings

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Closer Look at the Alarming Fiscal Health of the U.S. (Weekly Insights) Thumbnail

Closer Look at the Alarming Fiscal Health of the U.S. (Weekly Insights)

Last week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), a non-partisan independent organization, released its 10 year projections on the federal budget. This report is full of information about sources of government revenues, outlays and the deficit. Unfortunately, the fiscal situation in the U.S. does not look to get any better as we now have information through 2034.

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What Does the Super Bowl Mean for the Markets? (post-game trivia) Thumbnail

What Does the Super Bowl Mean for the Markets? (post-game trivia)

Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs for winning Super Bowl LVIII. They were the first team to win back to back Super Bowls since the New England Patriots accomplished it about 20 years ago (2003-2004). The Super Bowl is always a bittersweet celebration as we binge on fried food and salty snacks but wake the next day to the realization that football season is over…for now. Therefore, to cheer up football fans we wanted to offer some interesting tidbits about what the Super Bowl has meant for the financial markets. However, we will reassure you that this is for fun and we do not make portfolio decisions around who wins the Super Bowl.

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Tax Savvy Planning for Those with Company Stock in their 401k Plan Thumbnail

Tax Savvy Planning for Those with Company Stock in their 401k Plan

Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) is a valuable tax strategy that can offer the benefit of lower taxes and portfolo diversification for investors holding appreciated employer stock within their retirement plans. By understanding how NUA works and considering its potential impact on your overall financial plan, you can make informed decisions to optimize your tax efficiency and achieve your long-term financial goals.

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Sailing Into the Crypto Abyss (Weekly Insights 01/29/2024) Thumbnail

Sailing Into the Crypto Abyss (Weekly Insights 01/29/2024)

On January 10th, 2024, the SEC approved the first U.S. listed ETFs that track the price of Bitcoin . This recent approval marks a milestone for cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin specifically, offering investors direct exposure to the underlying asset in the form of spot-price ETFs. This week, we wanted to provide investors with insights into the new products and what they mean for the cryptocurrency space.

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