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2024 Update on Social Security  Thumbnail

2024 Update on Social Security

Last week, the Social Security Trustees published their annual report, projecting the program’s financial status for the next 75 years. Recent projections show that Social Security is approaching insolvency, highlighting the need for immediate reforms.

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Using an S-Corp Election to Reduce Self Employment Tax Thumbnail

Using an S-Corp Election to Reduce Self Employment Tax

Most independent contractors don’t think of themselves as a “corporation” but to save on taxes you may want to consider an S-Corporation election. As an independent contractor operating as a sole proprietor, all income is subject to self-employment tax. By electing S-Corp status and splitting your income between a reasonable salary and distributions from the business you can potentially reduce the portion of your income subject to self-employment taxes.

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Savvy Retirement and Tax Planning for Independent Contractors Thumbnail

Savvy Retirement and Tax Planning for Independent Contractors

Qualified retirements plans are a great way to save for the future and receive a current year tax deduction. However, independent contractors with no employees, are in a much more favorable position to maximize tax benefits without having to factor in the cost for employees.

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Understanding the 2026 Tax Sunset: Implications and Impact Thumbnail

Understanding the 2026 Tax Sunset: Implications and Impact

As the country’s debt burden grows and we prepare for another presidential election there is a debate looming in DC that will have a significant impact on most Americans financial strategy. Between now and the end of 2025 Congress will have to vote to extend the 2017 tax cuts or they will expire (“sunset”) subjecting most to higher taxes.

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Tax savvy Planning for Those with Company Stock in their 401k Plan Thumbnail

Tax savvy Planning for Those with Company Stock in their 401k Plan

Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) is a valuable tax strategy that can offer the benefit of lower taxes and portfolio diversification for investors holding appreciated employer stock within their retirement plans. By understanding how NUA works and considering its potential impact on your overall financial plan, you can make informed decisions to optimize your tax efficiency and achieve your long-term financial goals.

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