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How 3 Stocks Drove 49% of the S&P 500’s Gains in 1H 2024 Thumbnail

How 3 Stocks Drove 49% of the S&P 500’s Gains in 1H 2024

The top 10 stocks in the S&P 500 have grown so large that they now represent 35% of the total index because of this concentration investors in the popular index will sink or swim largely based on the performance of those companies. For the first half of 2024 investors benefitted because the top 3 stocks Nvidia, Alphabet and Microsoft collectively were up 49% which accounted for 49% of the index's return. The index as a whole was up 14.5%.

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Diving into 1Q24 Earnings Season Thumbnail

Diving into 1Q24 Earnings Season

S&P 500 earnings for 1Q24 just recently kicked off with reports from the major financial firms. In this weekly, we wanted to provide an overview of what investors could expect over the next few (busy) weeks for earnings

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