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Envestnet Tamarac -Performance Reporting

We are proud to offer clients access to our Envestnet Tamarac client performance reporting software and easy-to-use mobile app as a part of our ongoing commitment to provide an engaging experience.  To make things easier, you will be able to access the performance reports directly from your Client Portal after you initially register with Envestnet Tamarac.   

One-Time Set-Up

To register with Envestnet Tamarac you have two options:

1) Registration Email:  During new client onboarding we will send you an email that will walk you through registration.  If you didn't get it, don't worry - just let us know and we will send it to you.  

2) Set-Up/Recover Password:  Log in to the (Envestnet Tamarac Portal), click on the "Recover Password" link.   If you have not previously registered, you will be taken through the registration process. 

Remember you only need to register for the Envestnet Tamarac Performance portal once, after that you can access the site directly from the Forty W Client Portal (see below)

Accessing Report

To view your Quarterly Investment Report - Log in to your Client Portal and follow steps below