What’s happening around the office-Sofia does Iceland in a weekend
Iceland in a weekend.
Friends and Family were incredulous when I told them I was going to Iceland for a long weekend. It was slightly less than 60 hours on the ground, but worth Every Moment.
As a child I spent summers and many Christmas holidays in northern Italy visiting my mother’s large family in Verona. Those early adventures that often included getting snowed in at foreign airports or getting lost in small villages outside the Veneto ingrained a deep wanderlust in my soul. Early adulthood was spent exploring Europe, Thailand, Cuba, and Egypt. Later, world travel was put on pause to raise three small children during frequent training and deployments that took their father far from home.
Fast forward to present day-as a single mother of three living on the opposite side of the country as my aging parents, travel just for fun has been off the table for several years. This trip marked a turning point, a reconnection to my deep desire to explore and experience the world.
Surrounded by the otherworldly landscapes created through fire and ice, I was reminded of the value of stepping outside of the familiar life we live day to day.
The lagoons and lava tunnel hike were amazing, the food-EPIC, but more than that it was a familiar feeling of reinvigorating one self’s energy and passion by simply taking in new, interesting sights and sounds.
I was reminded that my young adult family goals were to strap whatever future children I had to my back and continue trekking the world. Life instead, took some interesting twists and turns, but it’s never too late to adjust goals for the future.
During this season of decluttering and paring down, I’m also making changes to my little family’s way of spending. I am making changes to our short term &long term financial goals to include more travel experiences and time with faraway family & friends.

It was such a quick trip. The hours simultaneously lingered and flew by. Yet, these moments in unreal beauty, quiet calm, and raucous laughter are forever etched in my memory. I'm sharing this experience to not only give you a look into who I am but to suggest that you think about what it is for you that enriches your life. Whatever it is we want to know. Make space for it on your calendar and in your financial planning.
As for the long weekend in Iceland-I highly recommend it!